At Oaklands Infant School we believe that it is important to build resilience, emotional literacy and to nurture both physical and mental health. We do this through our PSHE teaching and by offering extra activities and experiences for the children to develop their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development. Below are just some of the ways we promote British Values and SMSC at Oaklands Infants.
- Voting for marble jar rewards
- Year 2 work on suffragettes
- Turn taking- classroom helpers
- Home school agreement
Individual Liberty
- Our character Solo- having own beliefs
- Opportunities for risk taking
- Weekly celebration assembly
- Freedom to make choices through a clear behaviour system
The Rule of Law
- Each class agrees on class rules at the start of the year
- Our character Goldie’s rules
- FS People who help us- police and law
- Visits from police/fire service
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Curriculum- learn about other countries
- Cultural capital- celebrating other faiths and religions
- Taught through our PSHE and RE curriculums
- Class helpers
- Charity work
- Visits to local church and visits from local vicar
- Anti-bullying policy
- E-Safety
- Sports day/sports clubs
- Our character Casey’s Crew
- Community links e.g. Pinehurst care home
SMSC – Spiritual Moral Social Cultural
Oaklands Infants aims to embed SMSC in all aspects of school life, from individual lessons to extra-curricular activities and assemblies.
Some of the ways our pupils spiritual development is enhanced at Oaklands Infants:
- Harvest festival celebration
- Christmas play performances
- Christmas carol concert
- Year 2 African workshop
- Year 1 Chinese workshop
- FS Chinese New Year day
- Marking of Remembrance day
Some of the ways our pupils moral development is enhanced at Oaklands Infants:
- Taught through our PSHE scheme
- Goldie’s rules
- Class rules
- Our behaviour policy
- Class marble jar rewards
- E-Safety computing planning
Some of the ways our pupils social development is enhanced at Oaklands Infants:
- Various charity fundraisers like Jeans for Genes, Children in Need, NSPCC number day and Red nose day
- Visits to the local care home to sing songs, make crowns and share stores
- FS Grandparents afternoon
- Year 2 leavers play