Report an Absence
If you need to contact us as your child is unwell and is unable to attend school today you will need to notify us by 9.30, each day your child is absent from school.
Leave of Absence & Holiday Request Form
There is clear guidance from the Department for Education to parents regarding leave of absence or holidays in school time. Parents do not have an automatic right to take their children out of school during term-time. All pupils have 13 weeks holiday per year and parents should organise their holidays during this period.
No period of leave in term time will be granted except in exceptional circumstances (proof will need to be provided). Any absence which has not been granted will be recorded as unauthorised absence and reported to the Local Education Authority who may take legal action. All requests must be made at least four weeks in advance and will be considered on its individual merits. The Headteacher will decide whether or not to grant permission and will respond within seven days.
Q What if my child is ill?
A If your child is ill, s/he should stay at home. A child should not be returned until 48 hours after a bout of sickness or diarrhoea. A child who is unwell does not gain anything from being in school and may pass on his/her illness to the rest of the class (including the teacher!)
Q What happens if my child is late?
A Punctuality is a good habit to develop – lateness is disruptive to the class and means that your child misses out on information. Arrival after the register has been called, but before 9.20am, is considered as ‘Late but present’. Arrival after 9.20am is deemed ‘unauthorised’ and counts as a half day’s absence. In severe weather conditions exceptions to this ruling apply.
Q What is the difference between an ‘Authorised’ and an ‘Unauthorised’ absence?
A Only the school can decide whether an absence is considered authorised or unauthorised. Some absences are allowed by law. If your child is too ill for school, or has a specialist medical or dental appointment that cannot be arranged out of school hours – these are called ‘authorised’ absences. Things that could be done outside school time – days out, birthday treats, routine dental appointments or having a lie-in because of a late night are all considered ‘unauthorised’ absences.
If your child is ill please make sure you let the school know by telephone/email or in person before 9.30am on the first day of absence.
Q Can I take my child on holiday in term time?
A There has in the past been a misconception that families are ‘allowed’ to take holiday in term time during a school year. There is no entitlement to holidays in term time. Your child is legally entitled to 190 days of school each year, which leaves 174 days left in which to take holidays.
Q Can you take a 5-year-old out of school?
A If your child is under compulsory school age (term after they turn 5) you can’t be fined. However, your child will miss their key learning and have a gap in their education.
Q What if I cannot avoid holiday in term time?
A You will need to complete our Leave of Absence request from at least 4 weeks before the date of the holiday. Please be aware that holidays will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
Q What happens next?
A A letter from the Headteacher will be sent to you within 7 days. If the request is refused and the holiday is still taken, the Education Welfare Officer will be informed and they will decide whether to issue a Penalty Notice or not.
Q What is the role of the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO)?
A Local Authority EWOs regularly visit the school and checks the registers to monitor absence. If your child has low attendance, the EWO may contact you to ensure this improves. The will become involved if there is persistent absence, particularly if the absence is unauthorised.
Q How much is the fixed penalty rate?
A The current rate per parent is £60 if paid within 21 days and rising to £120 if paid between 22 and 28 days. If the penalty rate is not paid, each parent may be liable to prosecution at the Magistrates’ Court.
Q What is the national percentage of attendance?
A We aim to have all children in school 96.78% of the 190 days required to be in school.