This is not compulsory, but the majority of parents do feel that they prefer their children to wear a school uniform. Please ensure all items are clearly named.
Uniform can be purchased by our supplier Brigade. The link below will take you to their website. For second-hand uniform contact the PTA:
Winter Uniform
- Grey trousers
- Grey or blue skirt/pinafore dress
- Light blue polo shirt
- Navy sweatshirt/cardigan
- Grey/white/navy socks
- Grey or navy tights
- Sensible black shoes
Summer Uniform
- Yellow t-shirt
- Navy shorts
- Plimsols
- (please provide sweatshirt and jogging bottoms for outdoor games)
Additional items
- Blue book bags
- Blue PE bags
- Water bottle
- Coat- all children must have an appropriate waterproof coat with them every day.
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn in school, other than plain studs for children with pierced ears. Pupils with earrings are responsible for removing or covering with micropore tape PE, music and movement lessons. No responsibility can be taken by the school for loss or damage to personal belongings.
Shoes should be flat heeled to ensure your child’s safety at all times. This applies even on non-uniform days. Trainers are not acceptable as school shoes.
Hair must be neat and tidy, tied back for PE lessons, ideally all the time. Plain headbands and hair accessories are allowed to be worn.
Plimsolls: if your child has a verruca, plimsolls must be worn during activities when the children are normally barefoot.