Contact the Governors

Oaklands Junior School and Oaklands Infant School now share a single governing body for Oaklands Schools. They are a passionate, diverse group of people, who are all volunteers, with a common interest in the schools, their staff, pupils, buildings and the community for which they form part. Each governor brings different strengths and skills to the Governing Board, but all have a commitment to making Oaklands outstanding.

The full Governing Board meets at least 6 times each year.

The governors focus strongly on three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding Senior Leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Our Governors

Name:  Kathryn Pierce
Chair of Governors
Term of Office:
25th May 2022 – 24th May 2026

As the new Chair of Governors at Oaklands, I’m delighted to take on this role. I joined as a community governor in 2022; I am a local business owner, and I live in Crowthorne . I’m passionate about children’s education. I believe that education is the foundation for future success, and I’m committed to supporting our families, children, and staff team to thrive.

I’ll be working with a dedicated and experienced governing body; I look forward to working closely with the executive headteacher and school teams to maintain and build upon the school’s strengths. Together, we’ll ensure Oaklands is a supportive, inspiring environment where every child can reach their full potential.

Name: Hazel West
Role: Executive Headteacher
Term of Office: Ex officio

I first joined Oaklands Junior School in September 2009 as a Deputy Headteacher, teaching a Year 4 class; previously I taught a range of age-groups from Reception to Year 6 in several schools. I  am passionate about teaching and learning – throughout my career I have always had a love of learning and creativity.  Whilst teaching full-time in Year 3, as a Lower School Team Leader/Deputy Head in a previous school, I completed an MA in Teaching and Learning, attending evening courses across several years at the University of Reading.  Supporting and inspiring children to achieve the very best they can, not only academically but through their own personal interests, has always been my goal. In the summer term of 2014, I became the Headteacher of Oaklands Junior School. I am very pleased to be taking on the new role of Executive Head for Oaklands Schools from September 2024 and I will continue to work closely with our new governing body, and both schools, to make Oaklands the very best that we can be. I have 3 sons and I am a grandmother too. I am still passionate about education and very excited about the future and what we can achieve together for our children.

Name: Peter Wright
Role:  Vice Chair and SEND Governor
Type: Parent Governor. Appointed by parents.
Term of Office: 30th June 2021 – 1st July 2025

I joined the governing body in 2021, and I currently have one child at Oaklands Infant School.
I am a musician and instrumental music teacher. With my background in music and education, and as the father of a child with special needs, I feel very strongly about the importance of the arts in education, and about the importance of SEND support in schools. I am also passionate about protecting the environment. As a governor, I aim to promote these issues, and to support both schools in being positive environments in which our children can thrive.

Name:  Mat Parker
Vice Chair Safeguarding Governor, Pupil Premium Governor, EYFS governor
Term of Office: 16th July 2021 – 15th July 2025

Name:  Harriet McAuley
Co opted governor
Term of Office:
 25th June 2022 – 24th June 2026

Name: Debby Griffiths
Type: Co-opted. Appointed by the Governing Body.
Term of Office: 22nd March 2023-21st March 2027

I am a Co-opted Governor. I have three adult children all of whom all attended Oaklands Junior School, meaning that I have a very long and happy connection with the school. I have also worked at the school for 17 years and am a HLTA, currently work in year 5.

Name: Michelle Presland
Role:  Staff Appointed Governor
Term of Office:
 1st July 2022 – 30th June 2026

Name: Kevin Davis
Health and Safety Governor
Term of Office:
 14th March 2023 – 13th March 2027

I have been a Governor on and off at both the infants and junior school, due to varied work locations in the Engineering Construction Industry over the last 8 years, with two of my daughters having been through both schools. I was involved in the set up and transition of the schools to the Corvus Trust, and have a strong passion and belief in enabling our children to embark on their own journeys with their interests at the forefront of our Governance role. 

Jennifer Cook elected Parent governor Dec 2024

Clerk to Governors: Andrew Gorham.
Declares also Clerk to Governors for St Sebastian’s Primary school & Nursery, Wokingham.

Governors who have left in past 12 months:

  • Ellen Weston August 2024
  • Kate West July 2024
  • Natalie Moffatt July 2024

OIS governor attendance at meetings 2023-2024
Governors Interest 2024/2025