As a governing body we welcome dialogue from any interested parties and can be contacted via our Chair at
All schools are managed by a Local Governing Body. As a school within the Corvus Learning Trust and as delegated by its Trustees, the Oaklands Infants governing body works closely with the Headteacher and senior staff to run the school in line with government.
The Oaklands Infants Local Governing Body is joint with the Oaklands Junior School Governing Body.
They are all volunteers who give their time and expertise free of charge to ensure that the school is run well, within budget and prioritises the needs and well-being of pupils and staff.
Each member of the governing body is assigned to specific areas of strategic oversight. These include Curriculum, Finance, Safeguarding and Equalities Duties holding executive leaders to account
The Governing board has the following core strategic functions.
Establishing the strategic direction, by:
- Setting the vision, ethos, and strategy for the school
- Holding Executive Leaders to account
- Overseeing financial performance
Governors hold an important public office, and as such they should be visible to their school and wider communities.
Andrew Gorham – Clerk to Governor
Governors who have left in past 12 months:
Ellen Weston August 2024
Kate West July 2024
Natalie Moffatt July 2024
Sapphire Hill September 2023