What is a family support adviser?
Family Support Advisers (FSAs) are a new role in Wokingham Borough Schools. FSAs are school based, working directly with parents to ensure the best possible outcomes for children by providing access to information and support for families.
FSAs help parents and carers by offering friendly non-judgemental support for a range of issues and concerns.
These could be some of your concerns:
- I’m worried about my child’s behaviour
- How can I help with my child’s homework?
- I’m struggling with bedtimes and routines
- My child is not happy at school –what can I do?I’m just not coping since my partner left
- I need some information….
- I just need someone to talk to
- I have these forms to fill in and I need help
- After school/holiday activities
- Activities in the community
- I am worried how my child will cope with the transition to the juniors/secondary school
As parents and carers there are times when you need a little extra support and guidance, someone who’s non-judgemental, someone who will listen and offer practical advice and support. I will do whatever I can to help you and if I can’t then I probably know someone that can.
How to get in touch
Initially the school may contact you to see if you would like to be put in touch with me. At other times, it may just be that you would like to speak to me for a brief chat and maybe make a follow up appointment to discuss matters further.
If you would like advice or support on any issue you can contact me to arrange a meeting, or just an informal chat at school.
You can email me at: nlenon@oaklands-inf.wokingham.sch.uk
It is also possible to pick up a request for contact form from the school office.
I will also be present in the school playgrounds either before or after school on most Tuesdays so please feel free to introduce yourself and have a chat