Oaklands Infant school sees the enjoyment of reading and the skills involved as a core teaching priority and it is given high status in planning, teaching and the environment.
At Oaklands Infant school we will enable children to;
- develop positive attitudes towards reading so that it is a pleasurable and a meaningful activity.
- use reading skills as an integral part of learning throughout the curriculum.
- read and respond to a variety of texts whilst gaining increased level of fluency, accuracy, independence and understanding.
- Develop different strategies for approaching reading and be able to use the full range of strategies.
Pupils have access to a wide range of reading opportunities that include:
- guided reading
- whole class reading
- independent reading
- home/school reading
- hearing books read aloud on a regular basis
- selecting own choice of texts from the library
- reading in other subjects including IT texts
- reading to support their own learning
Children are exposed to high-quality carefully chosen texts which are introduced from Foundation Stage onwards through cross-curricular learning, drama, and storytelling. To support children with their understanding of texts we have implemented five clever canines called the Pawsome Gang. Each of these child friendly canines supports different reading skills: vocabulary, prediction, retrieval, inference and sequencing. Reading is promoted by teachers and adults reading daily to the children and engaging new readers within a language rich environment.
Throughout the children’s time at Oaklands Infant School we encourage a love of reading through a range of extra special activities that include:
- Author/poet/illustrator visits
- Paired reading with Oaklands Junior School
- Pupils reading to residence of a local care home
- Regular visits to the school library
- Focused book week activities
- Stimulating reading areas
- Outside reading
- Reading bingos
- Parent readers
Reading at home is regarded as an important part of reading development. Parents are encouraged to hear their children read regularly and respond to their child’s reading through home-school reading records which are monitored frequently. Pupils receive two books each week, one of which is from our Sounds Write phonics scheme and focuses on practising the sounds pupils are familiar with. The other book has a greater focus on an enjoyment of reading aloud together and developing comprehension skills. A large proportion of these books are derived from the colour banded ‘Oxford Reading Tree’ scheme.
Click Here For Reading comprehension with The Pawsome Gang
Click on the attachments below to help your child read at home
Click on the attachments below for book recommendations for each year group
Click on the link below for some free story readings recommended by our teachers