Children at Oaklands Infant School are currently taught phonics using LCP Letters and Sounds and Lesley Clarke Synthetic Phonics Programmes. This is supported by the use of some Jolly Phonics resources. Foundation Stage start their phonic journey with whole class phonics then move on to teaching in groups. Sounds they are taught during the week are sent home at the end of the week. KS1 children are grouped in abilities for phonics across their year group in daily 20-minute sessions by teachers and support staff who are all trained to a high standard. Training takes place yearly in-house or led by an external person. Objectives and the pace of learning is pitched to match their needs during lessons. These are varied, fast paced, multi-sensory and engaging opportunities to develop decoding skills and essential phonic knowledge. Progress is carefully monitored and assessed in order to inform planning. Pupils are given lots of opportunities to practise and secure skills learnt within the learning environment, reading decodable texts across the curriculum. Phonic intervention programmes run throughout the school to support pupils who need extra help in applying their phonics in reading and/or spelling.